Angela the Innovator

Angela’s last day is  this Friday. Angela is our school’s tech para, but she is much more than that – she is an innovator. Angela recently accepted another position in her new hometown. She will be greatly missed here at GHS. She will be missed for her tech expertise and support, but most especially she will be missed for her innovative mindset.

A few years ago I met with Angela to talk about implementing a school news program. We talked about what that might look like and what we would need to make that a reality. We hit a few setbacks right away. We found out that we couldn’t stream live and that the process to produce the daily programs would take a significant time away from her other (many) obligations. We didn’t let those setbacks thwart our momentum.

Angela has continued to make improvements since those initial conversations and the news has become a vehicle for sharing our work and our school improvement goals. A few years ago I shared  one of the newscasts with our former superintendent, Dr. Graner. He suggested we bring it as a show and tell to a BOE meeting. During that share, I remember referring to Angela as a tech guru- here is what that means to me:

  • She know how to troubleshoot problems
  • She encourages staff and students to learn as they problem-solve together
  • She listens and differentiates her instruction
  • She takes ideas and runs with them
  • She creates and…
  • She innovates and iterates and ultimately makes things better on a daily basis

One of the most nuanced aspects of the innovator’s mindset is the problem-finder. Some might interpret this skill as looking for problems, but I interpret it as continuously pursuing what we can do to improve. Some of us have this fire in us that drives our actions and fuels our passions. I believe Angela has this drive to improve and that is why she is both a tech guru and a tech innovator.


5 thoughts on “Angela the Innovator

  1. Angela, In the short time that I have been at GHS, you have helped me so much! It is not only with your knowledge that you approach a problem, but with a calm and kind manner. You will be greatly missed, however, I’m very happy for you and your family about your new location! Best of Luck! Holly

  2. Angela, I have only been here a few weeks but you have helped me a number of times, thank you! You are sweet and knowledgeable. You will be missed. Best of luck in your new endeavor! 🙂

  3. Wow! I know I’ve said this before but I truly appreciate your trust and confidence in me to do all the things we’ve talked about, it has changed the course of my life and shown me a place where I fit in and can use the skills I’ve acquired in a way that fulfills my purpose. I can’t say that this would have happened anywhere and with anyone, I owe that credit to you, the staff and the students, I have learned and grown along with all of you and I will miss you all as much as you all have made me feel that I will be missed.

    Thank you doesn’t truly express how I feel, but it will have to do….


  4. Angela, you have been such an inspiration for me to keep trying and learning. You were there for my many questions, while patiently waiting for me to try to answer them, myself. You made me believe in myself! Thank you and good luck in all you do, although you don’t need luck. We will miss you always!

  5. Angela, I am in awe of the depth of your knowledge and skill! Thank you for sharing wonderful ideas, websites, and expanding our use of technology across the curriculum! Thanks for all you did for the students and staff at Gallup Hill School

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